War on Women: Does This Look Pro-Life To You?
On May 2, 2022, a document was leaked from the Supreme Court of the United States confirming the Court’s pending decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion for every person with a uterus. As the 2022 midterms approached, CJ Shapiro turned a series of paintings into an activist statement encouraging locals to “Vote Blue!”
In November of 2022, Shapiro papered Lower Manhattan with posters featuring a series of paintings created in response to the ongoing war on women’s bodily autonomy in the United States. These posters commanded attention with bold text that read: War on Women, Does This Look Pro-Life To You? Vote Blue!
The posters could be seen anywhere from 14th Street to Grand on the east side of lower Manhattan. There are also versions available for purchase and 50% of the sales of the posters are donated to local abortion funds in states where the right to abortion is not protected.